Monday 31 October 2011

If you're interested in fan art..

Then check out the following link, it has some amazing works of art.

Sunday 30 October 2011


So as I said in my previous post, I unlocked Swain.

Played 3 games with him so far, and this was the best - I managed to get 2 QUADRA kills - that's huge considering my total score was 10 kills.

Saturday 29 October 2011


Just unlocked Swain.

6,300 IP.

Played one game - seems really enjoyable.I dont think he has the potential to rack up huge kills like Akali, Yi etc, but we shall see over the next few days!

Also I should be hitting level 30 at last this weekend, huzzah!

Sunday 23 October 2011

I said I would deliver..

Well I said in previous posts that i'll try and get a good game with Akali.

She is actually pretty hard to play, especially when your team is awful. Even though she's an assassin and designed for 1v1, when your team feeds the enemy it becomes god awful to attempt 1v1's.

She is also often targeted to be killed first, so expect a lot of down time.

But here it is, my best score so far with Akali, I believe it's some sort of accomplishment.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Even though it's not LOL...


So Blizzcon was last night, I tuned in right as they announced the trailer.

Was so excited. Even though I haven't played since the release of Cata, it was still so exciting to watch.

Will be subscribing again for the expansion (Diablo 3 + WoW for a year for £100 or so? Good deal).

Friday 21 October 2011

The Harrowing!

The Harrowing is upon us!

This was released yesterday which brought around a few changes. Graves, the Outlaw has been released. I have already played multiple games with this champion fighting by my side, who performed really well.

The Harrowing itself has brought a few Halloween related changes to the League if Legends world. New Quintessences, skins and items, all of which can be viewed here (including the trailer):

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Should I branch away...

If LOL gets boring for me to play, or youre bored of reading about it, then what games would you recommend?

At the current moment in time I am waiting it out for Diablo 3.

Any suggestions or feedback, drop into the comments :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

To all my Polish friends

The Polish League of Legends has been released, so congratulations to you all!

Also, bit the bullet and purchased Akali, see if I can play well with her like I have done with Yi, Xin and Kat. Expect some good scores heading this way soon (hopefully..)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Best champion?

So if you've ever saved up enough IP for a 6,300 champion and not known who to choose, you often Google or browse the LOL forums for which champion to purchase.

Two champions which regularly popped up for being amongst the best champions to purchase were Twitch and Karthus.

Good news if you're still after these champions, as their IP costs have just been reduced!

  • Karthus, the Deathsinger, (normally 6300 IP) will be only 3150 IP!
  • Twitch, the Plague Rat, (normally 6300 IP) will be only 3150 IP!

Friday 14 October 2011

Another Katarina update

Katarina is certainly a champion that dominates the Dominion scene with her ultimate, always leading to triple kills. I've yet to earn a quadra or a penta kill in Dominion, but it's only a matter of time.

When I have the time, I will upload the gameplay video to youtube, or perhaps just the highlights.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Katarina Dominion

Had a pretty good game as a free champion, Katarina.

This was my score :)

If people are interested, I will upload the gameplay video to youtube.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Champion Rotation

Another week, another champion rotation.

If you haven't had time to log in, then you can view the champions released via this like here.

I'm glad Yorick is free this week, as to my knowledge, this is the first week since his release that he has been free to play.

Monday 10 October 2011

Addition to Graves

A post ago I mentioned about the new Champion being released known as Graves.

You can find additional information about him here which was released today.

I've got 5k IP, considering the purchase if I end up being killed by him a lot once he's released.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Release of Dominion

So Dominion was released a few weeks back. On the home page of the LOL website you can read a few of the review regarding Dominion.
  • “The thing that I love most, personally, about Dominion is that every game is different.”
  • “As one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arenas, Dominion really pushes League of Legends to the next level. Many can probably enjoy the fact that this mode pulls out a lot of the action from League of Legends while cutting down the slower aspects of the game.”
  • “Dominion has a lot to offer for the game.”
    Colby Cheeze
  • “It’s a lot of fun. I really, really, really love it.”
    League Top 10
  • “We love the new Dominion game mode.”

Personally, I really do enjoy playing Dominion as a bit of a time killer - it's easy to handle when you have a bad team as the games aren't too long. My heart still lies with the original 5v5, where I can rack up the biggest amount of kills.

Saturday 8 October 2011

New Champion

A new champion has been announced - Twisted Fates nemesis, known as Graves, the Outlaw.

I look forward  to this champion being released as it seems they may be a mix between Miss Fortune and Gangplank. Hopefully they'll be an assassin type character as they are the type which I always perform best playing as.

I was tempted to buy Xerath, the new caster released last week, however i'm not at the IP count yet.

At the moment I am using LOLreplay to record my LOL games. When I have a banger, I will use fraps to record parts of the game (as shown in the blog post below), and post it on youtube.

Master Yi is certainly the champion I perform best as, followed by Xin Zhao, so be expected to see quite a few games from these champions.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Starting to post videos

So I've played a few games using LOLreplay and I'm using fraps to record a few of the highlights, of which I will post to Youtube for your viewing pleasure.

Anything you'd like me to do, please say.
Also in dire need of a good Blogger template if anyone could redirect me.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in aaaagggeeessss... Been at university.

I'm thinking on uploading some games that i've done, ones which i've scored pretty well (20/30 kills).

Watch this space.